
Italy or Canada?

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I'm Italian and I think my country is worse than Canada




  1. ok, good for you!

  2. but what is the problem? is the race italy vs canada?

    are two fantastic country both

  3. I'm Italian and i think that you are an idiot

  4. ciao!sono italiana. allora, non capisco proprio perche` agli italiani l`italia non piace! cioe` raga ma siamo matti? io non vedo che cosa ci sia di brutto! ovviamente ci sono dei problemi, governo, mafia, immondizia, e chi piu` ne ha piu` ne metta, e fini qui va in fondo in fondo daiiiii!!

    apprezzate l`italia per favore, ricordate che potreste essere nati in un paese dove la parola liberta` non esiste, in un paese di guerra in cui mettono le armi in mano ai bambini.

    riflettete un po` e poi vedete se siete sfortunati o il contrario.

    for all the english speakers...sorry, i don't really wanna translate all this!!

  5. Italyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  6. Hi, i'm italian, but I think you should go to Canda.

    Because Italy is very old and it is a his cities are as the europe's cities, while Cnada is more young and there are a lot of great views, there are moutaind and there you can ski.


  7. Well I am Canadian, living here for 17 years,  so maybe I can answer.  I chose to live, and raise my children here. The culture, life style, museums, second to no one.....

    Here I can let my children play outside, and not be afraid someone will take them.  In Canada, I cannot do this.  Financially..if I were there I would be making 5X what I make here, maybe some social services more, maybe more opportunity, maybe not.  I complain a lot about the red tape in this country, the hours of government offices , but if you ask me to move back to Canada today, I must decline.

    I lived in Toronto, a city of over 4,000,000 people, spend more time in my car stuck in traffic, running around trying to get things done...after 5 years in one appartment building, I never knew my neighbour!! Canadians are great, don't confuse them with people from the USA as the get a bit irrate.  Canada is beautiful outside the cities. Eventually I will retire there, but for now with small children, I wouldn't even think about moving back.  Don't think Italy is worse......we have some major problems here in this country that have to be resloved if Italy hopes to remain competitive with world markets, and survive as a country, but all in all, I prefer Italy.

  8. Typical Italian.... Does not know or appreciate what he has. I am Italian and believe me, I have travelled the world. Every country has it's charms, it's good and it's bad points, but Italy truly is wonderful.

    Unfortunately, Italy and Italians have a lot of potential that is taken for granted so the potential is wasted.

  9. i'm italian too i live in Milan

    why do you think so ?

    Italy is a beautiful country


  10. italy! but i'm sure canada's nice too.

  11. Italy is more cultural and beautiful, but Canada might be a little more advanced, but i would rather go to Italy!!!
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