
Italy your considerations

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what d you think about our italian troubles?what d y think about us?our way of life our government honest!




  1. I've lived in Italy for 11 years and I think the place is wonderful.

    When it comes to way of life and government, the UK can't even touch Italy.

  2. ciao ! credo che il mio paese sia bello, per quanto riguarda l'arte sopratutto !

    purtroppo  dal punto di vista politico siamo abbastanza incasinati (per non dire totalmente XD)...

    La gente ? bhè a me piace la gente italiana perchè è aperta e solare, sorridente! con tutti...

    ciao ciao !

  3. i never knew italians had "troubles"

  4. Sarkozy prefers your women to French, so do we. But why Belusconi again? Itlay is the west's direct link with its classical past and heritage. You are lucky to live in such a rich and noble country. You could have done better than electing a corrupt, lecherous playboy as your leader.

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