
Itching in the vaginal region and weird thing in my mouth?

by  |  earlier

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First off, I AM A VIRGIN. But, I woke up this morning and my vaginal area [not where my pubes are] were itching and every time I'd itch, make it feel better. It'd then come back. As time as gone by it's getting better? But wtf?

Also I woke up with this feels like a blister, but looks like nothing, bumps on the bottom of my mouth, right underneath my tongue towards my bottom teeth. Weird or what?




  1. mm.. sounds like a yeast infections (thrush).. if you change your diet (and eat lots of yoghurt with live bacteria in it) then it might go away on it's own.

    Other wise.. go to your doctor and he will give you some antibiotics and cream.

  2. you may need vitamin C this sounds like it to me  

  3. sounds like an allergic reaction. have you eaten something with a lot of acid in it lately? (orange, lemon, lime?)

  4. sounds like thrush (thrush is just yeast in the mouth) and vaginal yeast infection. If you have yeast overgroth in both mouth and v****a, it means it is systemic. See your doc and change your diet. Yaest is overgroth of bad bacteria...

  5. Find ebook to cure yeast with out drug.The ebook is known as Cure Your Yeast Infection In Only 12 Hours .You may find this in women health section at following website--

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