
Itchy, Leaky a**s and Painful Colon?

by  |  earlier

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Hey guys. So this is really embarrassing, and I really don't want to go to the doctor. But my a**s has been slightly itchy, mainly at night, for the last couple of months. Lately things have gotten worse, I've noticed a liquid coming out that I sometimes have to wipe off and the itching has gotten worse so that I now am annoyed with it during the day and especially in the evening, its gotten to be a painful itchiness. And no, I'm not scratching, I know the skin there is super sensitive. I've tried using Hydrocortisone, but that doesn't help. Also, starting this Monday, I've had pain while bearing down (in my colon, not the outside), and when coughing. If I have worms, what kind are they? If its a fungus, what is it? I'm looking for specifics (I'm a pre-nursing student) and I would really appreciate your help.




  1. Sounds like hemorrhoids.

  2. sometimes things that you drink and eat - e.g orange juice, even worse frozen orange juice or concentrated orange juice - may cause that, since they irritate the lining of the intestines. Try to pay attention to the things you eat and drink. Sometimes it is as easy as to change your diet. Try it for 4 -5 days, see what happens.

    If nothing changes, go to the doctor.

  3. Did you take a diet pill?  

  4. It sounds like pin worms...they usually move around at night, which makes the itching worse at night. Sweety, you really need to go to the doctor, believe me they have seen worse. Really, you need to go. Or you can eat plenty of garlic, that will get them to come out because they do not like garlic, but be warned that they will start to come out, so put tissue or a towel under your a**s at night to collect them.  

  5. okay u clearly have AIDS!

  6. wash your ***? go to the doctor man that's disgusting

  7. This kind of thing is not a big deal for a doctor. Go see one.

  8. the best thing to do is see a doctor. if there is something really wrong waiting is the worst thing. dint be embarrassed doctors are used to ot. good luck :)

  9. You REALLY better seek professional medical advice.  I am answering this sincerely and not poking fun.  See a doctor you could have a serious health emergency that could be treated before it is too late.

    Don't fool around with your health and your body.  Our bodies let us know when they need assistance and cannot handle what is going on with them.

    Seek professional medical help IMMEDIATELY. - Please.  

  10. Pinworms I would say.They come out at night to lay eggs in your a**s..You need to see a doctor for sure.  

  11. go see ur doctor as soon as possible

  12. could be a multitude of things from as simple as hemroids to parasites or a rupture anyways go to doctor

  13. i agree with HS sounds like hemorrhoids. and dude doctors dont care they see poples asses everyday. i just went today because a lump on my t******l and my doctor wasnt their so i got his female assistant.. (actually turned out better this way i had a female touchin my stuff)  

  14. maybe you should see a docter about your itchy ********!

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