
*****Itchy b***s/pregnancy?

by  |  earlier

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My last period was June 13th,

My cycles are 28 days so iam expecting my period On friday,

I did a hpt yesterday and it was negative.. (no surprise really there)

But i babydanced on all the right days...

For the past few days ive had a little pain in my right lower side and sore back, tender b***s and they are itchy( not sure if that one is a pregnancy symptom). I know i shoudl wait till i miss my period.. but last month when i thought i was i went to the doctors and he said the test will show up positive if ive conceived in the last 10 days. I really want to go test but i dont want to be disappointed but do you think i have a good chance.. I have been TTC for 8 months now so i know when not to get excited. Please say opinons.




  1. with my son my b***s got itchy too. It might be a sign! *baby dust*

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