
Itchy acne really bothering me. Help?

by  |  earlier

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It's itching as I type! Lately it's been itchy. It was never like that before. I've always had acne. But about two months ago i started to break out bad. It's starting to heal a little and i'm soon going to be put on medication for the acne.When I was at the doctors office i forgot to mention that my acne itches. I don't know if pills that i was taking before might have caused this. I was taking Fluconazole. Could that have caused the itchy acne? I'm no longer taking the pills because the doc told me to stop due to the treatment i'm gonna go on. Do u know any ways to help relieve the itch when it pops up? I can't put anything on my face that has chemicals. I also have sensitive skin. If you know anything i could do, please help me out. God Bless.




  1. You may have an allergic reaction to the product that you took.

    Another common reason for itchy acne is a simple misdiagnosis. You may be suffering from another skin condition that looks like acne type bumps, but is something else entirely. But coming from the information you gave me that's probably not the problem : |

    It is VERY important not to scratch. Scratching can irritate the skin, and make your condition worse!

    I really hoped this helped/helps you!


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