
Itchy red spots - any ideas ?

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I have some red lumps that appear at worst during the early evening and at night, they are all over my body and look kind of like small spots. They are really itchy and also make me feel really nauseas. There is chicken pox going around at work but I don't think that's what I have as it does not look like the pictures on line - any ideas ?




  1. Do the spots disappear during the day? If they aren't persistent during the day then it is unlikely to be chicken pox especially if you have had it previously or have been immunized. If they don't go away then yes chicken pox is definitely possible Rest, staying away from people and calamine lotion is basically the solution. Usually takes 2 wks to go away

    If the spots subside, you could possibly have a heat rash or allergy (like hives) or eczema of a particular kind. Antihistamines and hydrortisone as well as sorbolene cream can aid this problem.

    If you have any other symptoms like a fever, lumps in your throat, spots in your mouth, sore throat, etc then definitely its a trip to the doctor. Also if you work in any health care facility or childcare think of scabies which needs permethrin cream. Super itchy and oft worse at night but the spots don't fade

  2. i think its small pox

    chiicken pox or so.

    go 2 ure nearby doctor and find out  

  3. Chicken pox perhaps?

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