
Item return from ebay?

by  |  earlier

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an item i sold was returned to me.i will return the payment the buyer pays to me but should it include the shipping fee i paid for to shipped the items to him?




  1. with no contact of a problem to you or Paypal if that was used I don't see where you should have to add in shipping charges, you didn't ask them to send it back,  and since there is no longer negative or neutral feedback I don't think I would include it.

  2. You need to double check with eBay rules, but I would say that if the buyer did not contact you before the shipping to cancel the order, you are well within your rights to retain shipping costs.

  3. If you shipped the item to the buyer then you have no need to refund the shipping cost. Normally any mail order company will not refund the shipping costs as they had to pay them in the first place. If the order is cancelled before it is shipped then the shipping costs are refunded.

  4. I agree with the first poster, if there was no communication, it is his loss because you held your end of the bargain and he didnt (assuming the item was as specified)
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