
Its 11.50, and am home ,"should have been in france?

by  |  earlier

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today , but had a sleepless night , say sometthing to cheer me up ,as im peed off,and the weather looks horrid ,should i go out or stay home , ?




  1. stay at home and go back to bed with a nice hot water bottle and a dvd. thats what im about to do!

  2. the day is what you make it... maybe put some music on and dance round the house.. do some cleaning and you will feel as though you have achieved something.. if you house is tidy im sure there are a few places that could do with a clean.... music will help you along your way..

    But dont get why your not in france if 'you should have been'

  3. France is full of French speaking people. Be glad you are not there.

  4. have a nice day 2 urself!!!

    rest and do something 2 refresh yourself!!!

  5. Just think if you go out and slip it mayb funny at first but then think if you had of been an ant you could have been smooshed and it wouldn't b quite so funny.

  6. I don't know why You asked this question.

    But, I am fairly convinced  that you should have been out,and, France sounds just like the right place to be with the right company.

    Cheer up.

    You are the only one to do it for yourself.

  7. Stay home weather's gonna get worse.

  8. how horrid is the weather?  i want to say get out and stop moping, but if it's nasty out and not safe, stay home and mope.

  9. It's very wet and it's gone on for far too long.  But keep telling yourself, as I do that it could be worse!

    It could be another 1963 with snow drifts up to our belly buttons, fresh water delivery pipes frozen underground and we could be waiting for the water cart so that we can make a cup of tea.

    All veges frosted and prices sky high, root veges unable to be dug because of frozen ground.  Transport of food severely curtailed because diesel "frozen" in fuel tanks.  And it was sooooo cold.  All we had was a paraffin heater and a small fan heater - then frozen snow brought down overhead cables and we had no electricity!

    Can't you go to France tomorrow?  If you want some excess baggage, I'll come with you!!

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