
Its LEgal to carry Pepper spray in your purse right? in California and Kentucky?

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i live cali i used to have one on my key chain i've been meaning to get a new one, and i'm moving to kentucky soon so i was just wondering. i already know my little knife is safe, and legal but i wanted affirmation that the pepper spray is too. thanks!




  1. yeah it's legal but only up to a 4 oz bottle in ca....

  2. Yes

  3. Dear One:

           I have been driving to California more times than I can count, and there I have camped for about a year in the mountain woodlands of nothern CA.  There is little that can take the place of camping next to a running stream in the hills with the coyotes singing at night, as on the property of a Church of over 1,000 acres, but that is not the kind of place you should worry about, as generally where the deer come up to you and allow you to feed them, once they get use to you.

           But taking the Greyhound to downtown LA, that is another story, sometimes even the police do not like to go into such areas.  Though CA might allegedly care that you take a pepper spray course, and thus should, when I landed at the latter location, not far from the Cecil Hotel, though I did have mace, I came to figure that if I really needed it in that neighborhood, before any testing, as being fresh from out of town, the police were not going to say too much if I had to use some on some gang member(s).  There are so many gang types in that area, some perhaps really law breakers, if crime is considered simply when we do something society.

    And sin is simply when we disturb the peace, contentment and happiness of another soul, as accord to another Church

    in Hollywood, e.g.

            To go into very bad situation a little deeper, once I was eating at a restaurant in that area, and someone assaulted me in the back of the head with the blunt end of a knife, which came to cause a stream of blood, then they wanted to challange my exit from that restarurant, therefore I sprayed that individual and went on.  At the time, I did not care if I had to spend a few days in jail, in order to ward off the greater evil.  

           But, to answer your question, in KY you do not need to take any course, in order to be allowed something of the nature of pepper spray.  If in a foreign country, try not to make your "Off" sprayer spray and shoot further, somehow, if not via another sprayer, unless the instinct of survival dictates, though such can do the job for sometime, as I came to figure out, as far as the eyes go, still you might be placed under an arrest.  Try not to buy too many firearms overseas, some police really look down on the idea, sometimes, unless perhaps you have an Exucative Order on you to be bumped off, as via a fraudulent felonny inclined type President.  As the case may be, you might rather get permission from the police, or King's men first.

           I never look for trouble, there is enough chaos with that going on via my person.  But sometimes you can not even trust cowboys who live around nice churches, that may think a little different about the ways of nature..  

           Once I got caught a ride via some of the latter types of towns people, for from the town it was a four mile walk from the Church out into the country.  Then they took me to a crossroads around two miles towards the church, on a moon lit night, and also two miles from town.  The tallest one got out of the pickup truck, and struck me upside the head, and again, I realized I am in the middle of nowwhere having to confront three bad so called cowboy types.

           I decided that perhaps, as unlike my brother who I have seen break a proffesional pair of police handcuffs, who thus might have request a fair fight with all three of them, if that,  I had better squirt the ring leader good, so after being punched I did so, nicely.  His little buddies thought that they might throw gravel and rocks, but that was to no avail, as I revealed, for I through such at them as well.  Showing that such was having little effect, as I was able to  get out of the way of the big rocks, from the distance they chose..  

           Finally, the big one says lets get out of here, things are getting so I can not see anymore.  But, as they got in the truck, I was sure to stand just beyond a ditch, and behind a fence post, in case one of them cared to run me over.

           Finally, I got a good ride on into the Church's property, but I was a bit shook up, and thus said nothing to my driver, as to what had just occured, later on I did tell my story there.  

           In some cases, I guess the best advice I can give, survive against any death situation anyway you can, then sort it out with the police later, if you are for real, I am sure the judge, or jury will understand.


    Thomas de Facto

  4. It is absolutely legal to carry pepper spray and use it to protect your personal safety without having any special state or federal permits. CA laws do regulate the size and/or weight of the defense spray products you can carry and buy. The legal container size must be equal to or below 2.5 ounces of active product.

    You already have Kentucky answered.

  5. You need a CCW for both in Kentucky, I believe it's the same in California but harder to get. For more Kentucky info go to

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