
Its Saturday 8pm. I'm Bored wat can i do?

by Guest31826  |  earlier

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BUT i CANT hang out with friends or ring/txt them. I cant go anywhere cuz i cant drive & my parents wont drive me anywhere plus im not allowed 2 walk cuz its too dark. I also dont hav any books to read or movies 2 watch plus my parents are watching their own thing on tv & im not allowed on the computer much longer. I dont feel like drawin or writing & i cant listen 2 any music cuz my ipod is dead. I cant drink. My brothers girlfriend is heavily pregnant so she cant do anything strenuous & we dont hav any boardgames or cards. I dont have any assignments to do. I also cant go 2 sleep cuz im not tired. I dont feel like eating cuz im full. I dont feel like exercising. PLZ HELP ME IM DESPERATE (not in a dirty way)...?




  1. Clean house. Sweep the kitchen floor. Scrub the walls. Collect the trash.

  2. play wit urself =]

  3. ummmm...... sneak out.... lol... i dunno........ ummm... umm i dunno.... lol.. umm.. go to the toilet...... have a shower.... sit in the freezer all night and see if u have isicles on u by morning.... ummm drink water.... umm annoy yor parents til they scream..... ummm stare at the wall and see if it moves....... flick a light on and off....... measure ur brothers girlfriend and see how big she is..... run around her while she is standing stilll...... ummm build a house out of sticks..... umm study how water comes out of a tap.. i dunno...

  4. Just do push ups or watch the sky.

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