
Its a ...History Mystery?

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Abraham lincoln was elected to congress in 1846

John f kennedy was elected to congress in 1946

Abraham lincoln was elected president in 1860

John f kennedy was elected president in 1960

Both were particularly concerned with civil rights

Both wifes lost their children while living in the white house.

Both president were shot on a friday.

Both president were shot in the head

Now it gets weird..

Lincolns secretary was named kennedy.

Kennedys secretary was named lincoln.

Both were assassinated by southerners.

Both were succeeded by southerners named johnson.

Andrew johnson who succeeded Lincoln was born in 1808

Lyndon johnson who succeeded kennedy was born in 1908

John wilks Booth who assassinated Lincoln was born in 1839

Lee Harvey Oswald who assassinated Kennedy was born in 1939.

Lincoln was shot at the therter named ford.

Kennedy was shot in a car called lincoln made by Ford.

Lincoln was shot in a therter and his assassin ran to hide in a warehouse Kennedy was shot from




  1. This is old hat.

  2. Some body asked a similar question here.

  3. whoa.. crazy. didn't think they had all that in common. How'd you figure all this out?

    That's very interesting.

    I'm not a history fan.. but could just be mere coincidence

    EDIT: looks fairly true and a coincidence.

  4. oooh a thinker,

    how interesting

    it is true?

  5. Fascinating stuff but whats your  question?

  6. These are very interesting.  Another point of interest, Lincoln's assassination was actually one of three planned to cripple the government.  Booth and his compatriots actually planned to kill Lincoln, The Secretary of State, and the Secretary of War.  They only suceeded in killing Lincoln.

  7. JFK was killed a few days after a speech talking about secret societies, meetings and oaths. So you tell me. Im sure they were carried out by the govt and the people who contro them.

  8. Coincidence.

    Also, Booth didn't hide in a warehouse, he hid in a barn owned by Dr. Samuel Mudd.

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