
Its a bird, its a plane its...........?

by  |  earlier

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You're on your way home from a party. Its a long and dark whindy road. You're alone, and your listening to your favorite song, when all of a sudden you get a flat. Its 3 am and nothings around, not even a street light (cause its a hick ..You get out of the car and open the trunk..O nooo..!! no spare!! All of a sudden up in the sky you see what seems to resemble a plane, but as it draws near you realize its gasp...O nooo!! and you say...IT'S A UFO...?? What do you tell your friends if you ever get home, by the way..just how do you get home??....have fun




  1. It's superman

  2. a dude is a camels p***s...................................... sorry, i didnt read the question.

  3. i got a ride home from d aliens.

  4. I take pictures of it with my cell phone.  Then I use that cell phone to call somebody to pick me up.  I tell my friends what I've seen and enjoy the fact that I've seen a UFO!

  5. would never happen to me i allways carry 2 spares

  6. its a mega bird plane!

  7.    They'll give you a ride home in their saucer.

  8. I would call onstar. I would just chill until they got there. if i did see a ufo i would just look at it until it went away.  

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