
Its a dream about snake and snake women?

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in my dream i have gone to one place,its looking like sea shore.suddenly we got a information that we have to leave that place within 7 o clock.i was feeling that some thing is wrong in that place from when we are running from that place i have seen snake is omitting the was very big,black and horrible snake.after coming to my place i am looking my grand ma,she is looking very young but hair is gray only.then i got that snake is there in her body n she is he snake.finally after doing Pooja she is not getting what is the meaning of that ? ? ?




  1. The meaning is, don't eat mushrooms you found in a cow field.

  2. God is probably trying to show you a sign because ive never heard of somthing like that just keep an eye out for any more signs ok. God might just be trying to talk to you and if you have anymore probablems and you dont know what to do just pray and ask God to help you it works for me almost all the time

  3. Dreams don't always mean something, sometimes they do and sometimes they don't. But no one person can tell you what it means for sure because it all means different things to different people. Just think abut what it means to you, that is the only way to know for sure, concentrate, meditate, just think hard. You will figure it out eventually, the answers to these kinds of things have a way of coming to you so until then just relax and don't try to brood over it too much.



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