
Its a girl that lives next door to me she has 3 kids?

by  |  earlier

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to me she is very triffin she locks her kids outside and the 2 boys that r ( 4 and 2) she leave them at home by thereselfs

and the office told me next time she does it let the no and i did this saturday the came and saw the small children there by themselves and she was gone aleast a hour and a half and when the office came the called the police and a social worker the social worker bought the kids something too eat the kids r aways dirty and outside n 100 degree weather and to cut the cake she was gone with a guy she took the one year old with her this time the never n a car seat,thats in her lap in the front seat(WAS I WRONG)i feel i was looking out for the kids they need help bad and when her ex-husband pulled up he told the police she has always been a free minded person she 23 years old remember --AGAIN WAS I WRONG??----




  1. you aren't wrong for looking out for the welfare of this woman's children.  Kids who are 4 and 2 should never be left by themselves.

  2. You were not wrong at all to report her. That is terrible that those children have to live like that. I am surprised the social worker did not remove the children from the home. I remember when I was 8 (my brother was 7, sister was 5 and other brother was 3) my mom went one block from our house to get some groceries and someone reported it and CPS came and took us out of the home and put us in foster care. And that was just one time it happened. This was in 1989 in Colorado so who knows maybe CPS these days are more laid back and give the "bad" parents more chances to straighten their act up. who knows...You do not have to tell your neighbor that you called. Infact I wouldnt ever indicate that you did. And most defintely always call and keep calling if you have to for the safety of those children.

  3. no you did the right thing i don't know why the **** women have  kids if they not going to take care of  them

  4. You aren't wrong with looking out for those did the right thing...she don't seem like a good mom to me and someone needs to step in for the sake of those kids!!

  5. No, you weren't wrong. That won't stop her from being angry with you, though.

  6. Definally not that was child abuse and she needs to take care of those child i mean if they get taken away then at least they will be cared for why doesnt the ex husband take care of them its wrong of her to do that and your so in the right i mean foster care suck but they will be clean feed and not outside in a hundred degree weather!

  7. h**l NO YOU WERENT WRONG!!!!!!!!

    23 years old or NOT she is a mom; she brought

    those kids into this world and her job is to take

    care of them. and from wat you described that is NOT

    taking care of em!! YOU DID THE ABSOLUTE RIGHT

    THING!!!! you were looking out for her kids better than

    she was!!!



  8. That was the right thing to do that girl needs a reality check and the kids deserve to be treated better than that.

  9. Were you wrong to report her? h**l, no! You did the only thing you could do - you should congratulate yourself for doing the right thing!

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