
Its about contributing to the GREEN initiative..pls send in ur ideas for GREENER workplace..Save EARTH?

by  |  earlier

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i want ideas from all of you about how to make work place environment friendly like recycling, water management, energy manangement etc




  1. Check this website for many profitable ideas on going GREEN

  2. I could give more suggestions if I knew the type of business. Here are a few generic ideas.

    Shut down all non essential equipment at the end of the day down to the battery back ups, there is a lot of standby energy associated with computers. Consolidate printers, it takes less energy to have a single printer with high volumne than to have a bunch that are only used occasionally.

    Adjust the a/c many office workers are too cold while at work. Add real plants to improve air quality. Make use of natural light. If possible have an outdoor eating area, a little sunshine and fresh air midday is great for employee moral and can help them get their daily dose of vitamin D. Get rid of vending machines, they use your energy and rarely have a healthy choice for someone elses profit.

    Get rid of disposable dishes, encourage reusable coffee mugs, water bottles etc, it is cheaper and greener to get a couple Brita pitchers than to have a water service.

    Reduce your junkmail, use the link below, it saves time and trees. Go paperless with billing and other communications.

  3. little more details pls.?wat sort u need lik slogans or something?

  4. no more airconditioners.

    anyway they are unhealthy, cause sinus problems.

    i hate them.

  5. i think u should first collect a large no of people. then u can together have a programme on how to recycle waste and u can do some methods on yourself.then u can do what ever u want. get the attention of the local govt. and they can finance u in doin yhese work.

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