
Its about military pay?

by Guest57729  |  earlier

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My husband is thinking of joining the army. how will he support me and our daughter while he's in basic training? Isn't the pay really terrible for the first few years?




  1. he gets paid more for being married, and having a kid, and a house and such and they set it up so you get money to pay the pills.

  2. If he joins as an e-1 for the first 4 months he will get paid 1245.90 Plus BAH for wherever you live plus separation pay while he is at boot and ait. It really depends on what he's making now. They giver you BAH to pay rent and utilities also if he has some college he might have enough points to enter as an e-2 or e-3.  go to this link :     it will show you pay grades and all allowances he is entitled to. if he has 20-45 college credits he'll start as an e-2. and associates degree will get him e-3 and a bachelors will get him e-4 or officer o-1. The base pay is nothing to gawk at but all the extras help out. ALOT   Also alot of jobs with the army are offering a sign on bonus. my Best friend joined as intel and she will be recieving 20,000 when she gets out of ait. AND if you decide once you get to his first duty station that you want to live on base. they dont pay you BAH but you dont have to pay rent or utilities. check BAH for where you live for what you'll get while he's at basic and ait   click on enlisted w/ dependants. And you dont have to pay for benifits. maybe 6 dollars for dental for you. Also they pay for school , and the schools for kids are awesome. i grew up with my dad in the military and we lived fine. steak and potatoes for dinner almost every night 3 bedroom 2 bath house  30 days of vacation a year PAID. I had all the toys i asked for and the tree was ALWAYS full and i had 2 sisters. I also got to visit places most people will never see. i've been to england and amsterdamn and the black forest. euro disney, paris, it was awesome. just make sure he doesn't pick a stupid job.

  3. No.  He has to take care of you.  The army will make sure of that.


    Look at these charts.  You'll see it isn't very much though you will have medical benefits.  

    Ask the recruiter to explain it to you.

    Your husband should also inquire about a signing bonus; depending on what field your husband wants to get into, he may qualify for a good sized one.

  5. My nephew is in military and making good pay ?   he makes 2 times more than me ?   i,m living in a apt. and he got everything more !  wife , 2 kids ,  2 new cars  , nice house and even let his old paw living with them for free !    

  6. the new pay for the army is on the army website :)  you can check there and also there is alot of other info you might be interested in .

  7. I think if I have a good memory (ha...) when u enlist you get some money and after that you get paid okay... enough to support u and your daughter, actually there are a lot of guys that join the army to get money... he should talk to his recruter to make sure

  8. $1347.80 per month, not including allowances, which he will be entitled to AFTER bootcamp graduation.

  9. He will be paid during boot camp and the lower the grade theless the money , but he does get an allowance for being married and for having to live off base so the pay will be a little more than the normal private . You will also get an ID so that you can shop on bases around the world at a much discounted price and no tax . You can make it , just not on the style you are probably accustomed to . I did it with my family and we made it fine even back whenmy pay was $94 a month . It can be done  

  10. yes.  You will be debt until you make e-5. That could tkae  4 to 6 years.  The benifits they talk about are on the back of a milk carton.  I was in the miltary and seen guys work another job to try to support their family.  they pay is federal minium wage, and the extra money you with get you can get the same as a security or working at wal-mart.  He will not be able to support you and will not be at home.  If the army wanted him to have a family they would gave him one in boot camp.  That is no joke.  The army is not the east way out. Now if he is an officer  that is different.

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