
Its about ryansrodents site (mabe being deleted)

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alot of people are saying its copyright although its not there for i have decided to change all the info is it OK to take peices from other sites and make them into 1 or 1 may just delete it what u lot fink i should do delete or just change into own words

THANKS brittany and mercedes you to are nice people compared to the rest




  1. If you change the words but get the information from those sites, you STILL have to credit those sites. The research and work that went into acquiring and compiling the information is someone else's. You are essentially putting yourself forward as an expert on rodents when in fact, you are not. I am not trying to be mean, however you have actually opened yourself up to a lawsuit with your original site and you persist in pushing it. The critical responses you have received have been trying to HELP you avoid legal problems and the cancellation of your site, despite your snarky attitude.

    If you check the text you take from those other sources, you will see that most if not all does not appear anywhere else. That is because the people who created those sites have copyrighted their material and probably pursue copyright infringement. You have to remember that the maintenance of their sites is partially paid for by hits on their sites. If you take their material and start chalking up hits instead of them, you are essentially taking money out of their pockets (not to mention claiming their expertise as your own).

    I am a university professor and I deal with student's confusion on a regular basis as to what constitutes plagiarism. I understand why you are having trouble understanding this issue. There is an impression that because something is printed on the net, it is free for the taking. This is not the case. If you MUST create a site, (and personally, I think your time would be better spend learning about rodents rather than falsely marketing yourself as an "expert") you need to inform yourself as to the law in terms of how you cite internet sources, what you must change etc. The page I am linking here is to Yale's web page on internet citation and how to avoid plagiarism.

    Learn this now. If you do not learn the difference between your work and someone else's it can lead to failed assignments, failed classes and someday possibly to expulsion from the university.

    This link is specifically to the page that explains when you MUST cite your source.

    This page explains HOW to cite internet sources:

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