
Its all starting to make sense...?

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Great Britain finish the Olympics with nearly twice as many gold's as Australia. Australia declares a state of Emergency and every able-bodied person between the age of 16-30 is forced to be a sports conscript. Australia disbands its military and uses the money to fund facilities for every Olympic sport. Their young population are forced to train night and day in brutal sports camps, any overweight escapees are shot on site. They all by law require a framed picture of the Olympic rings in their houses, with the slogan "Pound the Poms on their own turf" underneath. Come London 2012, the Aussies are ready for revenge, ending up with the same number of golds and silvers as GB, but with one less bronze, and therefore losing to us. Humiliated, Australia ask Britain to nuke their country off the map in shame. Finally, on December 21 2012 the last living organisms on earth die out due to the immense nuclear fallout, and the Mayans in heaven are screaming to each other "I told you so!"




  1. you wish.................   :)

    and to think I said all those nice things about the Brits doing so well...

  2. its is so scary, i hope your idea will not pass to the dictator's ears (but dictators are more concerns military force than sports)

  3. I support both the British and The Aussie team the same! Stop the rivalry!

    (Can britain really nuke Australia? I don't think they have the weapons to do so completely) W/E I'll ignore that little comment.

  4. lol...You all do know that many prophecies state the worlds end on Dec 12, 2012. Merlin the wizard, Nostradamus and many lets have fun while we can......hahahahaha

  5. I don't understand.

    Can you repeat the question, por favor?

  6. I was shocked to learn that Great Britain has not beaten Australia in every previous Olympics give that the population and economy is so much bigger than ours. Australia's only competition is with itself. We're proud of every one of our medal winners and of our position on the medal tally. We aren't interested in beating one particular country and gloating about it. The only reason I've noticed Britain are "beating" us is because every British person points it out to you and I just think, am I supposed to care? I didn't realise that there's obviously been a chip on the shoulder of British sport for some time if they actually think beating us is an achievement.

    We're coming 6th on the medal tally out of more than 200 and that's a phenomenal achievement. We had an unexpectedly excellent Olympics in Athens. We're the only country to get more gold at the Olympics after we were the host nation. It's our second best performance not as host nation, our third best in terms of total medals and fourth in terms of number of gold. We're all proud of our athletes for doing so well and really don't consider the performance of other countries.

  7. Australia is more concerned with holding the Ashes then the Olympics.

    So GB is good at the sit down and float sports at the Olympics. GB need to master a few other sports before your doomsday option comes to pass.

    Besides could GB even nuke Australia.  

  8. I don't know if that's exactly how it's going to go down, but one way or another, the Mayans are right...

  9. I like the Aussies. We have a friendly rivalry but they have beaten us for so many Olympics before so the gloating is a bit over the top.

    I hope we can hold on to 3rd, them Ruskies are catching quick!

  10. Forget about whingeing poms- I'm Scottish so I've always sympathised a bit with Australian attitudes to the English but their moaning and sour grapes is pathetic.

  11. no comment as that was just to much to read

  12. It's not its.

    Are you for real?

  13. insane thoughts

  14. Noooo comment.

  15. what creepy thoughts!!

  16. u aren't serious, are u?

  17. ....

  18. wait a second. I thought great britain owned australia? why is the queen on their money?

  19. lol. I like it.

    Looking forward to seeing GB finishing with- 23-25? golds to 'nearly' double our 12... hopefully 13 (fingers crossed we beat US in the womens basketball final) golds.

    About time the Poms- Scots and Welsh did really well!  

  20. You need to do some maths we have 12 golds you have 18 that's not double but I think you will find you have more than double our population

    Anyway we live in Australia and no I don't want to swap as we don't plan to make ourselves a minority in our own country.

    Also well done to you guys I love to see GB do well my dad is a pom and still goes for England in the cricket and the Olympics and he is a very happy man and has bragging rights in the family at the moment.

    They will always be my second team as well.

  21. Contrary to what the news is feeding you (in either country) - many Australians are actually quite happy for the British team for what is their best Olympic result in 100 years.

    Sadly, it appears many people want to continue with this c**p - again, in both countries.

    Those are the attitudes that the rest of us are sick of. Be patriotic, support your country, but when it turns into a mud slinging fest involving soap jokes and hypocrisy, then its time for you to go outside and feed the ducks.

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