
Its almost high school im so nervous helpppp

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okay its august 2 and i go back to school august 11 omg its so close to high school omg im freaking out i dont now what to do i have tons of enemies and im skipping 3 grades 6th going to 9th i will be in high school this year and guess what im not even that smart so what should i do to make new friends cause i dont now anybody in 8th grade so helpppp any good advice thanks




  1. Why the h**l did you skip 3 grades! Your not even smart? I am very smart with a 4.0 grade average and I did not even skip one grade? I know people VERY smart and they did not skip any grades!

    Your so lucky!? Why did you skip!!\


    my friend skipped a grade like not my bff but  someone i know and everyone hated her! that was one grade! not 3! good luck

  2. just relax i know it seems bug going into high school but the best thing to do so people wont pick on you is try to fit in like youve been there for a while if people see you struggling and looking like your lost there going to pick on you more so just realx and try to fit in ;)  

  3. u must be smart. but if your s**y youll be popular

  4. don't let people know that you're skipping 3 grades. That'll make you an easy target for bullying. Try to find the group you feel the most comfortable with. In big schools, there are soooo many types of people and groups to choose from.  You can usually make friends in class, just by talking to people. If you hear someone talking about something you're interested in, say something like, "O my gosh...I went there the other day....I loved it!"

    DON'T BE SHY!!!!  Even if it kinda makes you feel weird at first.

    GET INVOLVED IN ORGANIZATIONS. High schools have lots of them

    Don't let people know you're intimated. They feed off of that. So make sure you look confident and sure of yourself.  


    High school is as fun as you make it.  I loved it.  Others i know hated it.'s up to you.

  5. Oh God. I remember my first day of high school and I cried the night before.

    Just go to school on the first day and be neutral, talk to people who look nice and people your comfortable with. Don't be mean to anyone and don't ***** about anyone, no matter how tempting it is. If someone is bitching to you and you don't want to stand up for that person then just kind of nod vaguely.

    If you have enemies just don't talk to them for a little while, then work up the courage to ask them how they are but don't be too chatty.

    Don't be too loud and don't be quiet. Talk to people but don't shout and/or annoy them.

    Most importantly; be yourself. If you act fake people will probably see straight through you and if they don't, it won't be long before the truth comes out.

  6. if you're not smart then how are you skipping 3 grades?!  

  7. Whoa I don't know what to tell you. Your not gonna have as much fun, but your really not their to have any. Though it does help get you through it. Your gonna have a ruff few years, but i hope you get through it.

  8. you should just be yourself.  There WILL be someone outthere for you to be friends with. there are so many people in high school.  when my friend went into high school she didnt no anyone because all of her previous friends had gone to a diff school.

    But just be nice and try to talk to people.  It isnt very hard to make friends in high school.  Im not even that sociable and in high school i have many more friends than i did in elementary since my school was so tiny :P

  9. god.

    why are you skipping grades when you're not even that smart?

    why don't you just not go into 9th grade and go into 7th or 8th, it's just going to get harder, and it will be a waste on your social life, people might bully you for skipping 3 grades.. and your going to be in a totally different social group to the whole of your grade...

  10. calm down and go for your favorites coz I think high school is the same of primery can get more friends if you find yourself in the correct way.speak with your mom and dad.think that you'll get your degree and go to the college

  11. Why are you skipping 3 grades if your not that smart?

  12. Wow, skipping three grades? I think that means you're smart! Anyway, I didn't skip three grades but when I got to high school, I didn't know anyone either. Just don't make the mistake I did by acting all shy and trying too hard to look good. Take it easy and relax, you will make friends and hopefully remain friends with those your own age, too!

  13. oh wow. you must be smart if you skipped 3 grades!! Im also going to high school for the first time in the fall... but i have all my friends from grade 8. Just be social and talk to people... but if you are shy, then when you get to school the first day then just hang out with a grdae 9 group that looks nice

  14. High school, I remember. I was a loner in high school I really didn't have much friends. I had a little bit of people and teachers I talked to but not much. Why? So called friends will get you into trouble that is all. I would have rather been a loner than bad accompanied. I am not saying I had none. I did have  a few friends but  I picked them out well. I never did have any troubles at all with anyone. Just pick your friends well. Oh! and please enjoy your high school while you still have it. Trust me.

  15. just be yourself and people will like you dont try to fit in just be  yourself.... hope this helps

  16. whoa going from 6 to 9 that's crazy .. don't be nervous just have confidence and be friendly most people in my school are friendly.. good luck  

  17. well im in 6th, and if i was going into 9th grade, i would be nervous too! and also, why are you skipping grades if you dont think you are smart enough? tell your parents or something that you dont feel like you need to skip grades, if you can. im in an honors program where i learn at a 9-12th grade level but im still in 6th grade. ask about staying in 6th grade!!!!!

  18. i wanted to know the same thing all i can say is be urself so what if no one like you ur going to school to learn not be most popular but being popular always help too lol

  19. You have to be smart otherwise you wouldn't be skipping 3 grades.

    High school will be a little scarey but it is a lot of fun.  It's like starting over.  You will get to meet new people and there are all sorts of clubs, sports, and activities to join.  So be sure to get involved and you will meet new people and make new friends...these will be some of the best years of your life.

    Good Luck!

  20. uhm why are yuo skipping 3 whole grades?

    && 6th graders dont try to act cool &&

    im soorry but its hard to be friends with people who are 3 grades older then you.

  21. Just be yourself.

  22. whatever. i dont believe this

  23. The description is a paradox!

  24. take it in stride, its'll see                :)

  25. Be nice to people, talk a lot, join clubs, play an instrument, play sports. You will find friends if you do that.

  26. just have fun and make new friends...who cares if you have enemies in middle school, there are tons of new people in high school!

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