
Its been 12 days since last provera pill,should I go ahead and start them again??

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I went ahead and refilled them today. Should I go ahead and start them again? I called my doc that gave me clomid and provera and asked what I should do since I didnt get my period. She told me to go to my gyno but I dont have an app. till Sep 2. Have any of you ladies hadthese problems before? Did the provera work the second time around? Any advice would be GREAT. thanks. I am so worried about the provera not working. I thought the clomid would be the hard part, I havent even got to start that yet.




  1. it can tkae 2 weeks after your last provera pill to get a period i was worried to but i got mine exeactly 2 weeks after last pill. i would give it a couple days then try again

  2. i think it's ok to start them again before you take clomid, but if you can try putting a call with the obgyn you'll be seeing, you can also ask a fertility specialist online for free for advice, try this website, FertilityTies

    good luck!

  3. I think you should wait a few days it can take time. I took provera 15 days ago and just got my period now. It took me two weeks to get my period the last time also. I'm looking forward to taking my clomid on cd 2-6 as they are the best days. Good luck.

  4. Are you positive you are NOT pregnant? I am not trying to get your hopes up, but that is what happened to me. After my third round of provera I wasn't getting my period. I normaly got my period within 48 hours of my last pill, but after 6 days and no sign of a period I got suspicious. I took a HPT the next day it was positive!! I guess I ended up Ovulating the day I started Provera, I talked to my fertility specialist today at my first Ultrasound and he said sometimes if you haven't ovulated in awhile provera can trigger your hormones to make you ovulate....I didn't know that. Again I am sorry if I am just getting your hopes up, but that is what happened to me when I took provera and didn't get my period. I wish you the best...hope it all works out!

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