
Its been 2 months since I received the notice of foreclosure.Is it too late to stop foreclosure?

by Guest21149  |  earlier

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I always have this stupid habit of doing things at the last minute.Probably thats what got me in this rut in the first place.




  1. You can stop foreclosure all the way up to the last minute before your sale date.

    However every day that you let go by will make it more difficult for you to save your home.

    If you dont want the home you should consider a pre-foreclosure sale that will help you keep your credit in line instead of a bad hit with a foreclosure.

    If you want to keep your home, consider working with a loss mitigation company that will negotiate on your behalf to your lender and try and work out an option that will keep you in your home. Foreclosurelight Loss Mitigation LLC helps a lot of homeowners this way.

  2. There are actually companies that will work with you for free to buy your mortgage away from your mortgage company and avoid your foreclosure. I would advise looking into this first. Try Good luck!

  3. it is only too late when the sherriff shows up to move you out.  I would be a tiger about it.  go to your bank and find a person to work with.  talk to that person about what you are trying to do.  be a person as well.  it is easy to move numbers so don't be just a number.

  4. .     At any time prior to the final day (the foreclosure auction) you just pay what you owe and all is forgiven.  You have apx 29 more days to go.

  5. NO, but act NOW. . .no more delay. . . .immediately call your lender and talk to them, find out what your options are. . . .speak with more than one person to be sure. . . .the new law may help you out. . . .

    procrastination is a BAD habit and one you need to break ASAP. . .I know as I've got the same tendencies myself. . . .but each action you take will make you feel better. . . so make a list and start doing each and crossing them off

    Excuses won't work, and this will mean some eating humble pie and sacrifices on your part. . . .but keep the desired end result in mind....You can work it out if you commit yourself and ACT, no more procrastinating at it

  6. Was fighting foreclosure ever in your mind when you first bought your house. Nevertheless when it hits you in the face, wallowing on the reasons that got you there is like crying over spilled milk and is not going to do you one bit of good.

    Instead face the hard facts, make a decision to not make the same mistakes again and go get some foreclosure help. When facing foreclosures saving your home should be the first thing on your agenda.

    Fortunately there is so much of help available.Discover how this will really help you

  7. A lot of people are in foreclosure now. I am buying a short sale. If your mortgage isn't in the actual foreclosure process you can pay off your balance plus fees. You need to call the bank and hash it out with them. They rather have some communication then none. Unless they stapled a notice to your door with an auction date, you can still pay off your debt. But call to make sure they haven't.Remember if you have a 2nd loan to your house, you need to call them to, to see where they are in the process of collection. Good luck!

  8. Possibly not if you have all the back payments and the fee's. Contact the attorney handling the lenders case.  

  9. Yeah I'd say two months you're probably not going to get out of that... better pack up your bags.  Lenders don't take excuses these days, especially if you're more than 60 days late.

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