
Its been 3 mos in this relationship...should we be discussing marriage?

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I love him and feel i could spend forever with him...he great man and marriage in the works..we kinda discussed it yesterday




  1. h**l no.  It's way to early.

  2. It's just in the kinda discussing it stage. Why not be discussing it? There's a LOT to talk about and a lot of getting to know each other before you marry. Just don't get all fixated to the point where you get so invested in the idea of marrying him that you go blind or want it NOW out of fear it won't happen. (And if he gets that way, it's you job to use some brakes.)  

  3. My husband and I got married after just 3 months.

    It worked for us, but I also think that if we had waited, things would have been a bit easier for us.  (it also would have been easier if we hadn't gotten pregnant 2 months after we were married, and if we wasn't active duty army and deploying for 12-15 months every other year)  But we've made it through, and we are now happier than i ever could have imagined.

  4. That's too early.  You can't truly know someone only after 3 monts.

  5. You need at least 2 years to really get to know someone.  What is you get married tomorrow and your expectations change?

  6. My husband and I started talking about it a few months into our relationship. We both just knew. We waited 5 years to get married because we were still in college.  

  7. No - way too early for marriage.  

  8. h**l no too early  

  9. ummmm its all in your heart

  10. it depends on lots of things...

    first of all how old are you?? if you are younger (20s) then i think that is a little soon to be talking about marriage.. but if you are in your 40s then i think it is different and you are more mature and ready for marriage..

    marriage is a HUGE step and something that is make sure your are doing it for the right reasons...

  11. nope way too soon

  12. no way!

  13. I can see it clearly you are looking for someone to take care of you. Three months come on if you love him so much you would have went on about that not and not mentioned the providing part.

  14. NO WAY!!! toooo early.

  15. NO. youre going to scare him away. honestly, you might think you know the man, but three months isn't that long at all. not that your man will turn into mr. hyde or anything. give your relationship a chance to blossom into something mature because really, you're infatuated with him

  16. I waited 4 years..wait it out for AT LEAST 1 year. 3 Months does not give you enough time to really know each other and what makes each other tick.

    Enjoy the lust stage that you are will not last forever!

  17. you don't know someone in 3 months! believe me!

    *dated a guy for 3 months, thought he was the one for me, found out he was married*

    Take your time

  18. Hahaha, I love that your screen name is "Choosy Lover," yet you're discussing marriage after only three months. Apparently you're not THAT choosy.

    No, you shouldn't be discussing marriage, it's much too soon. If you're still together in a year, you can start to discuss it. If you're not still together in a year, you'll be awfully glad you didn't marry him after only three months.

  19. it all depends on the couple. my bf told me 2 weeks into it that he wanted to marry me, however i was very cautios about talking wedding with him too soon... his ex was crazy obsessive over it... i would let him bring it up... or make small comments about things and see if he acts on the conversations.

  20. let me ask you something are you crazy its way to soon give it a year or two get to know him more have you even met his family yet....

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