
Its been 34 days since my last period and no sign of AF yet.?

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We are currently trying to conceive and my boobies are sore which they never get that way before my cycle. I usually get cramping before my period and i haven't had any yet. Just twinges in my abdomen on the left side. My back is killing me and i had a sore throat for about 3 days. Could these be signs of pregnancy. I took a pregnancy test on the 32nd day of my cycle and it was negative. I have long cycles but all of them in the last 7 months came on within 34 days. Could I be pregnant?




  1. I am having kinda the same thing going on right now!! It could mean that you are pg, or you could just be really late!!  If you have thought about the possibility of pregnancy alot lately and have pondered on it, then it could just be in your head!! But I hope that this is not the case! I hope that you are pg and it turns out the way you want it to!! Good Luck!!! I hope that we both get our BFP!!! God Bless!!

  2. There is always a chance that you can be pregnant.. same thing is happening to me right now, I would wait a lil longer and try another test (make sure it's your 1st pee of the morning), if it's still neg. head to your doctor to get some blood work done, it could be just hormones or you might not be producing enough to get a pos.. anyways, good luck and tons of baby dust.. xo  

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