
Its been two weeks since my job interview...?

by  |  earlier

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and I haven't heard back from them. Is it unprofessional to call and follow up with them? I would like to know if I got the job or not. And if I call them what is the proper way to ask if the job has been filled or not?




  1. I would call and say you were just wondering if they had made a decision.  If they have they will tell you, if not they will tell you they are still deciding.  

  2. No it is perfectly acceptable to call and check on the job (should have called a week ago).  Ask if they have filled the position you applied for.  If it hasn't tell them you are still very interested and offer to go back for an additional interview.  If they filled it tell them you would like it if they would consider you for future positions.

  3. It is absolutely appropriate to call them. When you call, ask if a decision has been reached regarding hiring someone for the position. Sound friendly, not scared. This is another opportunity to get them to pick you.

    If they say they've chosen someone else, ask if they have any feedback to share with you about how you can make yourself a better fit for the job in the future. Let them know you're still interested - who knows, the first choice might not work out, someone else might leave suddenly, or they might get the budget to hire another person.

  4. It is always a good idea to follow up on an interview.  It makes you seem like you are interested.

    Just ask them if they made a decision yet.

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