
Its been very quiet about the EU lately?

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I suppose people have much more on their minds?




  1. I disagree, there is a lot of interest in the EU recently. Across Europe there is considerable stir caused by the Lisbon Treaty, with the Republic of Ireland now preparing to hold a referendum after the Netherlands rejected the treaty.

    The Treaty gives the EU an additional 105 powers that will be removed from national governments such as areas of economics, defense, immigration, and it will reduce the amount of representation countries have at the EU Parliment, in some cases leaving countries without any repersentation having their future decided by other nations.

  2. The EU is getting more and more irrelevant like the UN. They have no courage to stand up against the terrorists, hence they do not serve any purpose.

  3. it wont be long before they are back

  4. Well as it comes to may 2009 it will be 5 years since the 8 countries joined, now new laws and regulations will have to be made about the rights of those who has been living abroad for 5 years. A lot of eastern europeans will want indefinate leave to remain.

    They will shortly make the lists of who can and with what condition apply and who can't.

    thumbs down to a fact I heard personally from an Immigration Lawyer,.......interesting

  5. the eu is very quiet until they want the u.k. to fall in line(eu lower case as it should be)

  6. Maybe everyones too worried about how they can pay their mortgage or if they will be getting stabbed on the way to Tesco !!  The country is getting more and more screwed up every day thanks to New Labour.

    However, while on the subject of the EU, the European Union is gradually taking over as the "real" government of the United Kingdom.  It's influence (mainly for the worse) is everywhere, from the local shop (kilo's only please, wer'e almost French), the criminal justice system (if you can get justice that is), through to our national borders (or lack of them).

    As a nation, the UK gives away far more money to the EU, than it receives back.  At present estimates, we give away some 40 BILLION more each year than we get back.

    The Labour government has steadily given away more and more of our powers as a sovereign nation and is now trying to "sign off" on the EU constitution, without any form of consultation with it's people.  This constitution is one of the last measures required to form a single nation called the United States of Europe, at which time, the UK will effectively cease to exist as a sovereign nation.  As with all things from New Labour, this is being done by stealth and deception.  

    Please don't let them get away with it !!!

    If you want to retain the independence of the the UK as a sovereign nation, click on the link below and sign up to petition or a referendum on the proposed EU constitution, rather than just standing by and allowing it to happen at the whim of Gordon Brown and without the consent of the people.

  7. well the Netherlands just rejected the treaty due to the fact it gives the EU-seless  105 new powers over the member states. some will be stripped completely. and we will have less representation over all

    as far as i am concerned. the EU has to be stopped. i am hopeing that Ireland rejects it as well. the treaty is a bad  bad thing. i just wish more people could see it.

    i watched this the other day it is a a bit of hype with some truth  but if you think about it is only a third is true  then this is truly scary

    all i can say is as long as i live i will never submit to tyranny from anyone or place

  8. EU eu EU eu yes it is but not for long I fear. eu lower case? lol

  9. Only in the UK because the media don't write about anything that is positive, and because the conditioning of the public is such that the poor people don't realise that already 80% of the laws that affect their lives are made right here, right now.

    Yes, Brussels, Luxembourg and Strasbourg.

    I am ashamed of my countryments attitude to the EU. If a brit joined a club, he would pay the membership fee and stick to the rules. In the EU we get fed up with hearing Oh my membership fee is too much we are such a poor country (hardly, there are more millionaires in UK than in 5 other EU countris together) and hearing "oh we don't like this rule so we don't stick to it" ... And then you guys wonder why you are in the second team in Europe ...

    IF the BRITS had any sense (and they traded that for cash in their pockets under Thatcher) then they would vote for the new constitution because it is the only way there is actually an exit strategy. ... a legal way to leave the EU ... and let the rest get on and realise Churchills dream with building a peaceful prosperous Europe with a staff a bit less than the town of Sheffield.

    If you are really interested in reading about all the c**p written about the EU and the actual FACTS, then go to

  10. I suppose They are planning something!!I bet that clown Brown cant wait to give more of our independence away!!

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