
Its cold!!!?

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its like 15 degrees celsius outside

and im wearing two jumpers and two pairs of pants and im still freezing

someone told me its because im wearing too many layers of cloths and it stops my body from radiating heat

is this true??




  1. Too many layers won't keep you from "radiating heat", but too many layers of the wrong kind might just not help much.

    The reason behind layering, is to trap pockets of air between each layer. If your layers are too tight together, you might be counteracting the whole effort, by not allowing enough air to get between.

    Also remember, a large percentage of body heat escapes from your head and the back of your neck. Try putting a hat on, and/or a scarf.

  2. No.You should dress in layers in cold climes.Some people are just cold natured I am one of them it can be 90* and I can be cold.

  3. Where do u live?!   Her in California its like 88-96 degrees!(Farenhite..I know i spelled it wrong....)  I think you should still where layers though, because I think it adds more heat to your body.........i can also where a lot of layers and still be just happens.  I'm not even sure your body radiates heat.................but I'm no scientist.  I think that person is wrong though.

  4. Speak for yourself

    i am sitting in shorts under a fan at full blast with all the windows and doors opens,

    in the middle of the night

    it must b close to 40 degrees centigrade.

  5. Layers stop your body from radiating heat; that's why they work.  If you are "radiating" heat, it is leaving your body for the surrounding air.  Layers trap the heat so that it doesn't leave your body.  If it's cold outside; maybe you should come indoors?

  6. Wearing layers works it just takes a bit. Trust me I live in australia vic i milk cows and i get up at 4 am talk about cold and i wear layers like you are and i stay wormer. Even on the moterbike thats how i get to work. Most important thing to keep worm i think is your feet and your head if they are cold you feel cold all over. You are right it isn't normaly this COLD

  7. I think you are supposed to wear layers ((runs and grabs a blanket)) Here cover yourself before you catch a cold ... want me to make you some Hot Chocolate?

  8. Well Samantha.

    I believe that your mother is wrong.



    I like to watch you sleep.


  9. See? That's proof of Global Warming!
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