
Its happening now, but what year do you think we actually will become robots(TERMINATORS) as an example?

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Its happening now, but what year do you think we actually will become robots(TERMINATORS) as an example?




  1. Terminator was not a person that became a robot but a robot that looked human (when undamaged). It is highly unlikely that a robot that can do all the functions of a human and think independently will ever be created.

    True, some functions can be performed now like robot arms in manufacturing plants and they can even be programmed for multiple tasks but not independent thought.

    However, the idea of Borg (via Star Trek) or the Bionic Woman is happening in some forms now with artificial limbs, joints, hearts (more properly parts of) and I suspect within the next 25 years (as baby boomers continue to defy death) that artificial parts will be standard.

  2. Humans will not become robots, but it is probable that robots will increasingly have some of the capacities of humans, and eventually surpass us in various ways.

    You should look into the work of Raymond Kurzweil, who has written extensively on this subject. (The Age of Intelligent Machines)

  3. I figure it can't be long now. Maybe next month?

  4. Terminators weren't people, they were robots.  The Bionic Man might be a better example of what you're looking for.  Machines will play an ever-increasing role in replacing human body parts and abilities.  One thing you will never see replaced is the human brain.

  5. We'll never become robots, as this is not the nature of humans, we will have artificiall parts (as said) but we'll be always humans... never imortals.

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