
Its hard for me to get pregnant should i try once more and go fertility treatment and my doc says in order to

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get pregnant i have to lose at least 30 pounds i already lost 6 pounds should i try now...




  1. Don't give up!!!! go to a specialist and see what they tell you. My OBGYN ref me to one. Don't get me wrong losing the weight is always good, but there' people that's 300lbs plus that's having babies everyday. Why can't your doctor(since you are paying his salary) give you the medications you need to try too get pregnant. I say good luck and talk to another doctor.

  2. Go ahead and try to get pregnant.  When you are overweight, your biggest challenge is getting pregnant.  If you lose 30 lbs, you may get pregnant right away.  You are not at a higher risk pregnancy if you are over weight.  However, you may have a harder time giving birth if you are overweight.  

    Most dr.s wont even talk to you about not being able to conceive until you have tried for a year.  

    Good luck!

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