
Its hard for my 8 years old son to get use to simple routine like brushing his teeth before bed time .t?

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Its hard for my 8 years old son to get use to simple routine like brushing his teeth before bed time .t?




  1. Are u brushing teeth at exactly the same time everynight. or is this an at your convience kind of thing? being concistient is an absolute commitment ON YOUR PART kind of thing.

  2. You could try (if you haven't yet) to have the same routine going on before he brushes his teeth. Example: homework, an activity, take a bath, then brush teeth.

    It might take a few weeks to get it down, but he should catch on. Make sure that you keep with it. Rehearse the schedule with him (as in "Tell me what happens after you take a bath?")

    You could even offer him something he enjoys after he brushes his teeth. Maybe read a book together, color together for 10 minutes... But he can only earn it if .... you set those limits.

    Hope this helps.

  3. 0-0 wow 8 years old?

    hmmm.....try encouraging him and giving him cookies or treats when he does brush his teeth when he is told to

  4. Does he realize Why he needs to brush his teeth ?

      Instead of seeing it as a chore,help him realize he is doing this for himself and the rest of his life now that he has his second teeth.   Have fun some night and blacken some teeth in a magazine or on a photo of himself ....or even his own teeth....just to imagine what would happen....


        Put stickers on a calender so you both can monitor  and reward the brushing ..(a week of no reminding could equal some treat,ie a  movie ,his fav meal.

       Make up stories as you both brush your teeth...pretend you're

    hosing down all the houses on a street....hose the back ,hose the front.    Try singing while you brush,  and have the other guess the song.


       Make it part of his schedule so he'll  have a routine and you expect him to just do it .

    take care

  5. He's a boy, what do you expect?

  6. Do you have a routine at night? Try getting ready for bed at the same time every night and doing things in the same order?  If you do this, it will most likely become a habit.  You could also try brushing your teeth at the same sounds kind or corny, but it is something you can do together!

  7. you can try flaouvred tooth paste.. like strawberry etc... ... be consistent on ur part... one day he will understand that in the night he has to brush his teech.. and that is a routine...

    My kid is 2 yrs old.. and I brushed her teeth b4 going to the bed. Now she is so used to this routine as sometime she jsut come to me and says brush my teeth now...  I give one brush in her hand.. sothat she can brush her teeth.. as well as i also brush it as she cannot do this thing properly...

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