
Its late and i cant sleep! HELP?

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ok, where i am, ita about 10:30 pm, i have my first day of skool tomorrow. i have to wake up at 5 am. i can't sleep! i don't want bags under my eyes, and i am wide awake! i don't have an illness. but, idk, can u give me advice on how to sleep well tonite? plz and tyvm!




  1. Hyper burst.

    Have some extra sugar is you need it... Then run and thrash around frantically for a few minutes as if getting attacked.

    If that doesn't take your energy out I dunno what will.

    It's what I do.

  2. tylenol Pm. if not then try to relax..and think of a place you enjoy. get you mind off everything thats going on in your life.

  3. For some reason I'm always wide awake on the night before school starts again.  Just go to bed instead of using your computer.  You still have plenty of time to sleep.

    Imagine you're in a really boring lesson tomorrow :).

  4. Listen to music.. Watch Tv and close your eyes.. drink warm milk (supposed to help or something or maybe not, ahha)

  5. the worsest think you can do is lay in bed and just dont sleep get up and do something, and when you get tired even if it gets like 2 am, then go back to bed and sleep to get your brain used to sleep as soon as you hit the bed

  6. Drink warm milk. Get rid of all sources of distraction. Lock yourself into your room. Try not to think about anything stimulating- think of the most boring thing you could possibly. Count sheep, close eyes, and actually visualize the d**n sheep jumping over that fence. Lol hope this all helps you:)

  7. These are some things I do to get sleepy:

    1. Take a melatonin tablet

    2. Drink herbal tea.  Sleepy time is good.

    3. Drink warm milk. (if I don't have herbal tea)

    4  Read a book.

    5. Walk around the house briskly for 5 minutes, then turn off all the lights and tvs and stuff, lie down in my bed all nice and comfy and fantasize about a lovely dream, a story about myself that always starts off with me being the star of a special movie..................zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

  8. Take lilke three Benadryl allergy pills.

    They'll knock you right out, and unlike Tylenol PM or Melatonin, they won't  make you sleep for like 10 hours and then wake up tired.

  9. You could try taking some Benadryl or Tylenol PM.  You might also want to take a hot shower or drink some warm milk.

  10. Breathe slowly in through your nose, hold it for a bit, then slowly let the breath out of your mouth.  Repeat.  Lie down, turn out the lights, get off of yahoo answers, quit letting your mind race, think about something comforting but not overly exciting...  Good luck.

  11. Either count back from 100 and actually visualize each number in bubble form or whatever u see them as so u do it slowly. Or. Make a fantasy place mine is this island I start out in this big flower field laying down then I get up and walk to the edhe where I can see this big deep pond and a waterfall across the way. I just dive into the cool water and swim behind the falls I climb up and then I picture my new home. What does it look like to live there? I usually pass out by then!!

  12. turn off lights,no music ( because if you her a song you like it will keep you up) if you have a box fan the low hum helps put some to sleep. Close your eyes and breath deep slow breathes

  13. just lay down close your eyes get of the computer relax and think about happy things!!

    But just get of the computer it will help!



  14. You're all excited about school. It's understandable.

    Get plenty of exercise during the day.

    Avoid coffee & caffeine before bed.

    Avoid sugar before bed.

    Avoid loud music or scary films before bed.

    Journal about your feelings before bed and pray to your Higher Power or God to take your problems for you so you can sleep.

    Talk to a friend about your feelings each day so you won't bottled stuff up.

    Eat healthy foods, but avoid huge meals before bed.

    Listen to soft music before bed.

    Read some inspirational literature before bed.

    Get some lavender scented pillows.

    Do some deep breathing.

    Do some meditation.

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