
Its long but i need boyfriend help..PLEASE HELP!!!

by Guest64961  |  earlier

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we have been together for about 6 months and we just broke up like last week but i cant get him out of my head he broke up with me over the phone becaseu i havent seen him in like a month because im with my dad for the summer vaction but he told me that he doesnt know what he feels anymore because he hasent seen me in a long time .i need help im going back home to see my best friend on monday or tuesday..should a call him i havent talked to him since the brake up cuz i dont know what to say.but i tell my friend to call him and tell him to come and kinda suprise him hopnig he would get his feelings back what should i do??




  1. yes call him just a case of summer away missing you. but not to hurt your feelings but be prepared that he might be seeing someone else since you had to go away. boys can not often be faithful and if he wasn't he was not the one you were meant to spend your life with anyway. good luck

  2. hey well that happened to me but i hadn't seen my boyfriend for like 8 months and broke up with me the same way...

    but when he saw me again he said he felt all the feelings come back...[in my case we saw each other way more time after and i was with someone else]

    but for u....

    either u call him or have ur friend call him...

    so he can see you....

    that way if it;s just the distance that was confusing his feelings he'll be glad to get the surprise to see you again.

    just don't give up and keep trying...

    and if ur afraid of not knowing wat to say...say this

    " I haven't seen you for a month already but i really missed you and i was hoping you would feel the same way for me. So how do u feel??

    good luck =]

  3. do not call....! first of all he dumped you.. second.. if a little distance is to much for him to handle for one month how is he going to handle real life drama in the future. you sound very younge and have your whole life ahead of you. and if he happens to see you when your down there, let him make the first move. but to be honest with you he doesnt seem like he is worth it. i have seen many of my friends in similar situations. good luck and let me know if you have any other ?'s

  4. Love has no distance. If he really loved you he wouldn't have broke up with you cause he hadn't seen you in a month. He would have realized you were just spending time with your father and he would have understood. Don't get back with him hun. Get with someone who wont be like that. d**n... what a waste of 6 months...

  5. get a life.

  6. Maybe he broke up with you because you can't spell simple words properly. hasn't not 'hasent' and break (as in break up) rather than brake (as in step on the brake if you want to stop the car). I have a 7 year old nephew who can spell those simple words and since you are talking about a boy friend girl friend relationship I assume you are much older than 7.

    Perhaps it's time you studied your spelling rather than devote your time and energy to this relationship.

  7. The surprise thing might be a good idea. You don't want him to know you are so hung up on him. Sometimes that can make guys run from you. Wait till you see him and see how it goes. Sounds like you may be better off with out him. There are plenty of boys out there, and you have plenty of time to find the right one. Don't rush it. Besides your dad may not always be there and you will always remember spending the summer with him. Your Dad will always be your number one even once you are married. Hope this helps.  

  8. thats messd up what the other guy said...i say hang out with him wen u get back if it's there then talk to him about it if not then maybe its best to move on 6 months isnt long enought to tel if it will even last but deffinately talk to him

  9. Maybe his feelings have changed but the only way to find out is to talk.

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