
Its me and my friends friendaversary! home made gift ideas???

by  |  earlier

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today me and a friend would have been friends for 1 whole year!!! what can I make her? I already made her a card with a picture of us on it and now i'm all out of ideas. What can I do? It must be made by me. I have alot of craft stuff like tons of tape, glue, paper, and more. please answer now.




  1. Me and my friends are having a friendaversary and i made friendship bracelets try it

  2.  Maybe you could make them a... Hmmmmmmm... A 

  3.  Maybe like a... A drawing?

  4. I do not know    me and my friend have a friendaversaty in 1 week i been looking almost all day on my comp trying to find  some thing but i only have one idea take all the stuff that your friend gave you and put it in a album an when your older you can look at it


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