
Its my Birthday really soon!?

by  |  earlier

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It my Birthday Soon and I have no idea of what i want!My mom said i have 100$ to buy anything i want and i Was thinking that i could get WoW burning crusade or a laptop...the only problem is that a laptop could help me when i go to starbucks or when my sister is on my current computer but it costs more.WoW is cheaper but then i have to pay the monthly fee and i dont know if ill like the game so....Somebody please give me an idea for what i should buy.And it can be out of the video game or computer category




  1. Well it really depends what u like for eg..

    Xbox360 - COD5/COD4 (Army)

    PS3 - GTA IV (You probably know)

    Wii - Olympics Beijing

    PC - GTA IV (Get a free trial or something from somewhere u can go online with it too so its pretty good)

    I hope you like the games I mentioned


    If you want free PC games... here are websites I give u all dif kinds

    Adventure - Runescape, Fiesta Online, Gunz

    (PS... Gunz is on

    Racing - Drift city (Ijji again)

    Shooter - Soldier front

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