
Its my sisters 18th birthday and i don't know what to get her?

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i'm 15 years old and my sister turns 18 next month. i don't know what present i should get her without spending too much money. i'm on a budget of about £50-£70 max.




  1. As you are her sister you would know her interest as well. So if she is into reading you can get her some nice book from one of the authors she like or if she is into fashion you can get her gift voucher from the shop she usually gets her clothes from.

    I hope it helped

  2. think a nice love heat necklace would be a good choice something she can keep forever this site has lots of great gift ideas  

  3. get a gift card for her fave shop and she will be able 2 chose what she wants! or what she needs!!

  4. get her jewelery or something.

  5. look here:

    these gifts would be timeless and thoughtful, also they are v. fashionable and within your budget:

    or try this bangle:

  6. Get her stuff for college:

    Notebooks (Decorate them with her favorite song lyrics, celebrities, friends.)

    Make a scrapbook about her life.

    Give her a certificate to Starbucks, Wet Seal, or iTunes. (Or Best Buy, if she is looking to buy a laptop.)

    Basic clothes(nice pair of jeans, belts, you should know what she likes.)

    Books (Can be on prep for college, that's always great. How to succeed, or just a novel.)

    Write her a Poem.

    Good Luck!

  7. How about a bracelet with her name engraved on it?

  8. ask her out from what she wants. If she doesn't know, can't help ya.

  9. A nice perfume and take her out for dinner!

  10. As it is a milestone birthday, get her something she can keep. I got my sisters a gold necklace and a ring each. I spent less than £100.00 on each, and got something good.

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