
Its my son's 17th sat, any ideas to keep twenty teenagers at a BBQ happy?

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Its my son's 17th sat, any ideas to keep twenty teenagers at a BBQ happy?




  1. Loads of food, loads of alcohol, and after two hours they'll all be asleep.


  2. plenty of food and let them do their own thing.

  3. Oh are you sure about this? LOL

    Get them involved in the cooking but preferably things that won't poison them if raw! ie burgers would be safer than chicken, you could part pre-cook the chicken though.

    Any activity where the boys can show off in front of the girls without causing damage to home or self.

    A Wii is always popular with both boys and girls if the weather lets you down.

    GOOD LUCK!!!

  4. yep, go out for the day and leave them a free house.

    Leave your alcohol stash 'hidden' somewhere they can find it too

  5. Drink, loud music and an absence of parents. .............. Exacty where is this ... just the full postal address and postcode will do!!!!

  6. well if they're anything like me they'll just congregate in small groups talking, although boys been boys will probably settle for food, music and beer lol. Anything such as a PS3 or xbox might come in handy

  7. Get them involved in the cooking with a Masterchef theme.

    Divide them into teams and provide different marinades for the meat (Peri Peri / Jerk / Cajun / Tikka Masala) and let them do the dipping and supervising their own food in shifts. Then have shared tastings with everyone and votes on what is best. A wide range of BBQ seasonings are available at the source below.

    Keep the competetive edge by having a couple of games. with prizes.  

    1. An individual game identifying different raw ingredients -like they do on Masterchef.

    2. A team game to invent their own salad dressing from a selection of ingredients on another table.  Maybe the adults could judge this one.

    Just leaving people to sit around is dull. At 17 many lads wont have the social skills to make a good party on their own.

    Have fun -Parties dont get tougher than this!

  8. Just remove anything that is remotely valuble/precious to you and the wife. Pop back about 11.30 pm with a pump action 12 bore to see if everything is alright.

    That will do the trick.

  9. Do you have room for a volleyball net? ... or a softball game?    basketball?....  A Do-It-Yourself Sundae bar might keep them occupied for awhile:)   ....

  10. I would imagine that a good spread of food with pleanty of diffrent drinks (non alcoholic) would do the trick. Also get a loud stereo and let them be in charge of the music.

  11. food, music, few drinks (both alcohol and soft).

  12. Absolutely no alcohol- it's illegal and as the parents you'll be the one to get in big trouble.  I like the idea of providing plenty of food and soft drinks, and lots of loud music- Put up a volleyball net and a basket for basketball.

  13. omg are you mad?? 20 teenagers you must be very mad or very brave!!

  14. bacardi breezers, and lots and LOTS of burgers :). a paddling pool and a football :).

  15. Set up a volleyball net, have water guns, water balloons, music and plenty of food.

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