
Its now 4 AM, why cant I sleep ?

by  |  earlier

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Every night i seem incapable of sleeping.

Is the anyway i can fall asleep earlier, i give up at 3 and go on the pc because im simply not tired.

im sposed to be up in 4 hours !!

thanks, Rob




  1. Same time where I am. (Ireland) Try drinking some hot milk or camomile tea if you've got some. They usually help me sleep. :)

  2. I made some jackets; welcome to the club.

    Unfortunately, I have tried without hope to rid myself of my nocturnal state. I have found it helpful (though I am no doctor) to avoid any stimulating activity (computer, tv, loud music) an hour before you plan on hitting the sack. No eating past about 7:30-8 pm, but you can drink room temperature water. Develop a sleeping pattern, and stick to it everyday. If you have to be up at 8, then go to bed around 10 or 11. Stick to this no matter what! In a week, with your new pattern, sleep should be second nature.

  3. yo, wassupp...yu had made answered my question about designing a picture for me on photoshop,

    i would love for you to do it for me...

    soo umm email asap  

  4. Your PC maybe the problem.

    Then again there are probably a number of different reasons as to why your not sleeping.

    If your having trouble sleeping go to your doctor.

    You might have insomnia or a sleep apnea.

    Your doctor might set you up for a sleep study. GO TO IT.

    Sleep is VITAL I know personally since I myself have insomnia and average around 1 to 2 hours of sleep daily.

    My advice is to try this first:

    2 hours before you go to sleep shut off the television and the computer and just relax. Read something calming for about an hour and a half then go to bed. This may take several hours but its very important TO STAY IN YOUR BED.

    If you get out of bed and watch TV or Play a game even read then your brain will register that during this period of time you have to be active.

    Another thing to do would be to drink a glass of warm milk and plain bread. Maybe even a cracker with cheese.

    Try this out for about 2 weeks and if it doesn't work seek the help of a doctor immediately.

    Lack of sleep can interfere with your job, your social life and can even kill you. If you cannot sleep for more then 2 days (You'll die at 5 days no sleep) then go to the hospital.

    A lot of men older then 16 have sleeping problems but when it starts to effect your job and social life seek help immediately.

    Excuse my English I'm not that good at it.

  5. Ok, I don't know your age or your weight but if you have sleep apnea , then you may be unable to sleep and need a bi pap machine to help you. If you snore a whole lot and very loud, you might want to check into that. I have the same problems and when I try to fall asleep , seems to get worse and I am more wide awake. It really is a problem for lots of us . I find that if I go to bed later then I have most of my life (like say midnight) and sleep , I can usually sleep deeper and be better rested the next day.  

  6. Maybe because you have insomnia, try to go and seek doctor and try ask an advice and take some medicine...

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