
Its old but...?

by  |  earlier

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A girl is taking a shower with her mom.Her mom syas dont look down.She looks down and asks mommy whats that?Her mom says my garage.

She takes a shower with her dad.He tells her not to look down.She does and asks daddy whats that?He says thats my car.She replies with Then daddy what are those?He says my back tires.

The next day she goes to the park across the street.She comes home with bloody hands.Her parents ask her what happened.She says-

At the park timmy tried to put his car in my garage so I ripped the back tires off!

haha lol I love it!




  1. :]

  2. Heard something similar...

    The little girls says "mummy...what's that ?"

    Her mum says "That's my sponge darling...why ?

    The little girl replies "I saw the lady next door wiping her sponge on daddy's face "

  3. oh my god that has to be the funniest thing i have ever heard and ow she ripped of hi back tires thats gotta hurt

  4. GREAT! joke .really it makes my day ha ha ha.

  5. HA HA HA that is soooo funny lol! :)
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