
Its predicted that I'm going to be 5'6 when I grow up, is that average tall or short?

by  |  earlier

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Please don't say things like: predictions never work. I like predictions :).




  1. Average.....If your a troll

  2. its not tell. average i suppose. your perfect size.

  3. i want to know how to do the predictions. is there a site that adds it up for you or is there a math techneque, ect.? i would like someone to message me please.

    ANSWER: i think that is about average size.  

  4. i think that is a little bit above average, it depends on your race, for asians&mexicans it might be tall.. and for african americans and caucasians it is around average.

    im not racist or anything.. im 5'7 and and white, so i might still grow, you never know, just eat healthy, that might help to grow

  5. The average height of an american woman is 5'8", so I would say 5'6" is slightly below average. :)

  6. average

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