
Its really bugging me bad...?

by  |  earlier

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Hey, I just looked at my myspace and looked at the comments from like two years ago (Im very bored) and there are about 100 of them and it says profile has been deleted. I cant remember for the life of me who it is! Its bugging the heck outta me.




  1. well i sure won't be able to

  2. Ask your friends or everyone on your list who they may think it is.

    If not, delete them, put something else in your mind.

    Move on.

  3. ok so you want an answer to what question? or was it just a comment?

  4. that happens sometimes

  5. texas toast

  6. And how do you expect us to help?  If it has been deleted, doubt there is much you can do to recover profile, etc.  Let it go.

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