
Its so easy a caveman can do it?

by Guest55858  |  earlier

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What could a caveman do today that we civilized humans cant do.




  1. Save 15% on his car insurance...

  2. Stalk and kill his own food without the need for camoflage garments or deer scents or high-powered rifles with laser scopes.

  3. Install Windows...

  4. Nothing... either more or less...


  6. start a fire, get vittles, stay warm, not complain.

  7. So far you have received a long string of jokes in response to your question.  I will assume that you are actually expecting a serious and educated response.

    First of all the term "cave man" came about because of the art that was left behind in caves by anatomically modern Homo sapien (for those of you about to say it was Cro Magnon - Cro Magnon is one group of anatomically modern Homo sapien), but it is now known that actually habituating in caves was not typical for early anatomically modern Homo sapien, nor for other Achaic Homo sapien groups.  Now as for the anatomically modern Homo sapiens that evolved some 100,000 years ago, it seems they were actually quite adept at what they did in their lives.  Their stone tools, for instance, take modern day archaeologists many months of practice in order to duplicate these tools in a flawless and timely manner.  They also had art and rituals and a culture that passed on all this learnt information.  The basic difference between a anatomically modern Homo sapien from 50,000 years ago with one today is diet, culture and education.  I believe that if an average person from today were switched with an average one from 50,000 years ago at birth then the one from today would learn to live and thrive in the past environment and the anatomically modern Homo sapien "cave man" would learn to live and thrive in our environment.  The differences would be unrecognisable.  

    If I were to compare our species to any species of "cave man", however, then differences can be drawn upon that can be weighed and measure to determine differential ability.  The osteology of neanderthalensis, for instance, is quite a lot more robust then our own.  The ball and socket hip joints are even angled differently between neanderthal and Homo sapien that it can be modeled that the neanderthal skeleton would have been much more well adapted to high impact side to side movement when running over rough terrain.  Their bones also sugest a larger musculature then modern Homo sapien so it would be safe to say that Homo neanderthalensis would have been superior to anatomically modern Homo sapien with regard to some physical activities, especially if raised in an equivalent environment with regard to nutritional inputs.  I would be quite willing to speculate that so long as the neanderthal had an adequate intelligence for spatial analysis, which their hunting seems to suggest that they did, that a neanderthalensis would be better then an anatomicaly modern Homo sapien at a high impact sport that required fast lateral motion.  Lets say American football, although I should think that they could be quite well adapted for rugby or soccer as well.  At the very least, their short thick stature and large musculature would have made them better weight lifters and wrestlers.  If they were still surviving today I believe that many of their members would be dominating certain olympic events.  But, all the other archaic Homo sapien species have been extinc for 30,000+ years, which begs the question of why?  But that is a whole different question and I'm afraid that I have written enough already to cover your first hypothetical.

  8. speak caveman languages

  9. He could live in a cave without complaining.

  10. Cavemen still exist. They still go live in real caves. They build bonfires and take it easy there.

  11. knap flint, kill, hunt, hunt cave bear, paint on cave walls, the rituals that they did that have been lost.  i know that some peole can do some of these things, but very few can.  out of those very few can do more than  one of these things.

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