
Its the full moon tonight, anyone have odd feelings?

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As the question asked.

Secondary question, what myths are related to the full moon and are there scientific studies done?




  1. The full moon sometimes has strange affects on my family. Once when i was 15 at a family gathering. It was a full moon and time seemed to stopped as we stared at the moon, the next thing i knew it had been 5 hours, no one knew what had happened. I think the strange stuff is strongest when we are all together.

  2. Last night was the full moon and all the power went out in my part of town for like 30 minutes... strange.

  3. ah sorta. It won't affect me much, but I'll go do some spells and chants tonight, spells are strongest on full moons, and I may go make some moon water. Moon water may help you with your other question, on spells for physical strength. get a glass bottle, fill with water (thats suitable for drinking) and leave it in the light of the moon for a full night. Try it.

    Blessed be.

  4. when it's full moon and i get drunk i always howl at the moon, but this is just me...

  5. well,in my own personal beleif system,a full moon siginals that weirdos and trouble makers will be out.

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