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my chest they ar more manboobs and the nipples are very pointy what should i do to reduce them help




  1. Lose weight, run, lift weights, go on diet, do lots of push ups, bench press.

  2. workout and get pecks

  3. if ur fat then it becomes like that ..and if ur not fat then ...trying doing some pushups cause they help u alot to round ur chest....which mean ur nipples will go down..

  4. If you’re between the ages of 12 and 18, what you’ll need to do to get rid of man b***s is—nothing. If you’re a teenage boy and your man b***s are getting sensitive and even a little bit bigger, there’s no reason to fret; this is a normal part of male development during puberty. Trust me, I had sensitive nipples when I was younger, and good god was I scared I was turning into a woman—but I didn’t, and neither will you. Just wait it out, or if you’re really that concerned, go see a doctor and they’ll tell you the same thing.


    If you’re over the age of 25 and you’re starting to notice your man b***s getting bigger it might be time to adjust your diet. Once men like you and I start getting closer to 30 the metabolism that kept us from growing beautiful man bosoms when we were younger starts to slack on us a little bit. It’s time to stop with the meat and potatoes diet. Drink less beer, for sure, and stop eating sweets if you want to get rid of man b***s.  

    Diet isn’t the only thing; if you’re serious about getting rid of man b***s, you’re going to start cardio-aerobic exercises ASAP. After a certain age men tend to build up fat that starts to look like b***s. When your body loses or burns fat, it does so in a global sense; that is, it doesn’t just reduce fat in one area, but all areas. What’s the quickest way to convert fat to energy? Aerobic exercises like running, cross-country skiing, and biking are the best way to lose fat and your plump little man boobies.  

    Anaerobic exercises (weight lifting) are also a good way to get rid of man b***s. The first exercise you’ll want to focus on is the incline bench press. Most gyms have a machine that focuses specifically on your upper chest; this is the incline press machine. A greater amount of muscle mass in the upper chest will tighten some of that flab around the nipples. Remember that building muscle mass with a weight training regiment requires fewer reps with greater weight.  

    Working the lower chest, shoulders, and upper back are good things to focus on if you want to reduce the appearance of your man b***s. Building mass around the lower chest will make your b***s look more like Conan’s man pecs than Grandma’s sagging womanhood. Building muscle in the shoulders and the upper back will also stretch and tighten the skin of the upper torso on a whole, so work on building greater muscle mass up there as well as on your chest.  

    Questions or suggestions? Check our Beauty & Cosmetics Forum.

    Man Boob Diets & Herbal Supplements

    You’ll find no lack of people trying to sell you books and herbs that will apparently get rid of your man b***s with the least amount of effort possible. The truth is, this just isn’t the case. You’ve got all of this research out there, people telling you that an alkaline body is the best way to reduce fat, that this herb or that herb will stabilize this and stabilize that and increase your metabolism and help boost whatever the h**l they think needs boosting. They will tell you all of these things because telling people not to drink beer and not to eat fat, and not to consume so much sugar, and to get off their d**n couch and go do something for a change—well, telling people this stuff doesn’t sell books, dvds, or the latest nutritional supplements. They’ll tell you that in order to get rid of man b***s you should do everything they tell you, and to put your money where your b***s are

  5. Accept what youre born with...!!! unless you can afford surgery or teraphy

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  6. get horny thats how i do it so hope i helped

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