
Its true that fruits are not good for your diet?

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Its true that fruits are not good for your diet?




  1. absolute rubbish u need fruits for minerals to balance it out with the carbohydrates,fats,protein etc...... this is what u need for a healthy diet

  2. Fruit is fantastic for you! It provides you with a quick fix to help bring your sugar level back up if you are feeling hungry, it's a natural sugar and therefore it won't spike your blood sugar, or leave you crashing a few hours later. It also has fiber, which helps you stay full, and keeps you regular. And it's usually (assuming you aren't eating tons of it, or just canned fruit) low in calories. Your body also burns more calories than are actually in the fruit for some of the fruits that you eat! I would say if you're concerned or on a diet, try to avoid bananas, except for before a time when you will be doing a high-carb burning activity, and go easy on avacadoes, which can be high in fat. Choose fresh fruits, over canned or packaged, and try adding wheat germ or flax seed on top of them if you want to boost vitamins (wheat germ has folic acid and Vitamin E and flax seed has plenty of brain-strengthening omega-fatty acids) or fiber.

  3. they meant that friuts has alot of sugar  so... too much isn't too helpful... just the right amount is fine... the daily serving

  4. fruits are good for the vitamins and nutrients they provide, they are by FAR healthier than any  processed foods.  they do have a higher sugar/calorie content than vegetables, but they are no means bad for a diet

  5. Absolutely not. If you are doing as diet that calls for "low carbs" then they say to cut out or lower your intake of fruits that are high in sugar like watermelon. While these diets can work if they are stuck to, they are not practical to live on as a lifestyle diet. Fruits and vegetables, things that come from the earth, are what is naturally provided for us as beings that live here. So it is up to you to choose what style works for your life. Try this book, Conscious Eating by Gabriel Cousens. Good luck! Gabriel Cousens

  6. Excuse me? Fruit is a wonderful source of many important nutrients. In fact the FDA recommends 5 a day of fruit and veggies.

    The thing I would caution you about is going on a fruitarian kick of only eating fruit. That can destroy your teeth, nails and hair and has been known to precipitate a psychotic break in a person who is hypoglycemic. Definitely not a good idea.

  7. Fruit JUICES are bad for your diet. You need the fiber from the fruit to make it worth the natural sugar and calories. Apples, and fleshy fruit are great. Anything you can eat the peel with for the fiber.

  8. of course not, they are full in fiber which is good for diet, It also helps to absorb bile in your digestive system. If bile sits in your digestive tract and isn't absorbed by the fiber then it reabsorbs back into your body and actually turns to fat. Dr. Oz on Oprah is awesome. He's been on every Tuesday for awhile now and covers some awesome stuff.

  9. some fruits do have sugar in them but at such a small amount it isnt going to hurt your diet

  10. Only if you're looking at significantly reducing the amount of surgars/carbs you consume. Vitamin and nutrient wise though, they're excellent.

  11. There's something wrong with a diet that lets you eat all the bacon you want but won't let you eat an apple because it has caaarrrrbs.  (that's Foamy Squirrel, bashing Fatkins).

    Excessive fruit juice is bad, canned fruit is bad, but eating fruit is good.  I have heard that in a pinch, fruit juice can be used as a serving of fruit.  But it's not something you should make a habit of.

    On the other hand, if you drink a lot of soda, switching to juice can only be an improvement.

  12. If you are participating in a diet that forbids fruit, you should find a different diet plan.

    Fruits are nearly essential to a healthy diet.

  13. Well fruit is healthy and loaded with vitamins however they also have calories and carbohydrates. As with anything moderation is key.

  14. of course not .. whoever told you that just climbed out from under a rock.

  15. Only if you have severe untreated diabetes. Then they can make your blood sugar spike up and cause and insulin shock.However, even then, it's not the fruit that's causing the problem, it's the untreated diabetes.

    Fruit does have sugar, so you shouldn't gorge on it, but it's not bad for your diet. It has essential vitamins, fiber, and it tastes really good.

  16. Some diets, like Atkins, tell you to stay away from fruits in the beginning to speed your weight loss because of their high sugar content. Others, like Weight Watchers, let you eat fruits throughout. I see fruits as a healthy part of a diet because of their low calories and high nutritional value. Fruits are very beneficial and essential to a healthy body.

  17. are extremely good for you.

  18. Whoever said that has a vendetta and is trying to kill you.

    No seriously, fruits are one of the best ways to get your natural sugars and keeping you healthy. Various fruits have the needed vitamins and minerals for you to take in. Fruits, no matter what anyone says, should be part of your daily food intake (one way or another, whether you blend it or chew it).

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