
Its ur birthday & u just had a long day at work, so u come into ur dark apartment, take off all ur clothes...?

by  |  earlier

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...get ready to walk into the bathroom, but first go to the living room to turn the light on for a second and...

SURPRISE!!!! all your friends and family are here for a surprise birthday!!!

all the cameras are flashing...then suddenly there is a very low chuckle that turns into LOUD LAUGHTER!!!

do u:

A) blush red, smile and cover your b***s/crotch with ur hands (or ur weenie with both hands if ur a guy lol) and calmly grab a pillow and say "be right back" and tiptoe backwards into your bedroom to get dressed

B) Just say "yeah yeah, keep takin pictures it'll last longer" and take a shot in the nude to celebrate!

C) panic, scream "OH MY GOD!!!!" and have everyone's last image of u be your bare buns bouncing back into your room as you lock yourself in your bedroom for the night until everyone leaves!

which do u choose and WHY?




  1. A and delete all the photo copies

  2. D. i would dance around in my birthday suit for everyone to see it is my birthday after all

  3. haha! C most likely. but i hope that never happens...

  4. I stay fully dressed until I am ready to go to sleep.

    DRAGON 2008


  5. C/ because if i had a long day at work ,i'm gona smell like my drug dog JJ, and other things, i would have to tell them to party on, i'm going to bed!

  6. probably C

  7. c

  8. Most likely C. lol. I'd probably choose that because i'd be sooooooo embarrassed and start freaking out! I'd be flipping out at the person who planned the party. And how did they get in my apartment anyway? haha. I bet they broke in! lol.


  9. i would have a reaction like A and C jus i wouldn't lock myself in my bedroom

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