
Itty Bitty Tiny Black Jumping Bugs?

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Alright, so a few days ago I was laying in my bed when I saw a speck of dust on my wall and it looked like it was moving. At first I was like "Well, sometimes your eyes play tricks on you". Suddenly, I noticed two more moving specks and decided to look closer. I discovered that there were many, many tiny black moving specks. I quickly jumped out of my bed and looked closely and realized they were everywhere.

They are either brown or black, it's too small to tell. When I say small, I mean like 1 mm or smaller. They really just look like specks of dust. Also, they jump if you get close too them. They really look far to small to be fleas and look like they are almost perfect circles with two little antennae on the front.

Does anyone know what these could be? And do they bite or anything? Because I've felt really itchy lately, but I don't know if it's because the bugs are causing it, or I'm just paranoid.




  1. It seems that wherever you go, whatever you do, the sand flea is your constant companion.  So much so, that the term "The Beaufort Salute" is now the Beaufort areas official phrase describing the motion of repelling sand fleas. The sand flea is Beaufort's most popular unwanted guest. Many names are given to this micro vampire, such as No-see-ums,punkies, gnats and numerous other four letter words I won't mention. It is hard to believe an insect only 1/10th of an inch in size is capable of such an annoying bite. The bite of a sand flea is actually a sting and the effects can be felt for hours. A small reddish or whitish welt, about the size of a freckle is a sure sign you have become a sand fleas feast.Often, one encounters hundreds of sand fleas at one time and will receive many the sand flea loves to share its meal with all its many hungry friends.  Sand flea dinner time is most of the time, especially around the morning and evening hours.  Their tiny size allows the sand flea to enter homes through the smallest of window screens.  Incandescent lights seem to attract larger numbers of sand flea into homes.  Sand flea encounters are most often around marsh and sandy areas, although they seem to be plentiful everywhere else. If you have many tiny insects swarming around you, and can hardly see them... you are about to become dinner for the sand flea.


  2. Sounds like springtails. You might have a moisture problem under the house

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