
Itunes is retarded!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i am trying to burn a CD for a road trip. I have a 700 MB CD and and almost 3 hours worth of songs. Itunes is retarded and wants to stop burning b/c it doesnt realize that i have all of this free space. It will only let me burn 21 out of 47 songs onto the CD. HELP!!!!




  1. Yea...there is a limit of 80 minutes for that CD. iTunes is in no way mentally challenged, mentally unfit or incapable of performing simple tasks.

  2. gat a ipod

  3. you must burn it as an MP3 just go to preference and change the setting for burning, it is under Advance tab

  4. Uh it's called a Format that's why it takes so much Room up If your cd player can play mp3 Then you can add more songs just burn the files like data an you should be able to burn more songs on to it.

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