
Itunes question desktop/laptop??

by  |  earlier

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I have a desktop comuter with itunes on it and all my song. plus an ipod nano. I also have a laptop computer. can i download itunes on my laptop then use my back up cd's from my desktop itunes to upload the songs on my laptop itunes. I only want the songs on my laptop to listen too not to use my ipod with. Cause i know u cant sych your ipod to 2 different computers. but can i use backup cd's to transpher the songs over to the newly downloaded itunes on my laptop ?




  1. You can probably do that, but it would probably be easier to sync your ipod to both players. If you get new songs on your desktop, it's easy to put them on your laptop. Also, uploading all your songs on cds will take a long time. good luck.

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