
Itunes question................

by Guest66949  |  earlier

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ok so if i bought one of those itunes cards you see in walmart or any of those grocery stores...and put in my card number in itunes and bought songs. Would anything come in the mail? Like bills or what songs i bought etc.

What im basically trying to ask is is it possible to download songs without my parents knowing what songs they are?




  1. You'll have to register with you e-mail address when you activate those cards. And no, you don't get the receipt as mail. You'll get them in you e-mail inbox though, so don't let your parents see those.

  2. Yeah, from what I know, you shouldn't have to put in any revealing info [like phone number or address], so they shouldn't have any proof. After you put that card number in, you download the song. Period. I'm pretty sure, anyway. :) Good luck!

  3. No you won't get anything in the mail and you won't get a bill these are paid for already with your iTunes card. The only way your parent's will know is if they look on your iTunes or iPod.

  4. you get an e-mail receipt, that's it.  

  5. Yess!! You can..Ive done it a billion times!! : ) Just put it on your ipod, then unplug it, last delete it off the library then your done!!  Have fun with that!!

  6. nothing comes in the postal mail

    the only thing is that they will send u an email to the e mail address on the account showing the bill and what u bought, but if it its ur parents email on the account just make a new one for free and set ur email

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