
Iud? do u like it or what dont u like about it?

by Guest62133  |  earlier

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how long did the pain last after first getting it put in? i just got it yesterday. did u like it or not




  1. i had a copper iud put in a few months ago.

    the pain after getting it put in lasted a week or 2, i think it was moving around and hitting the sides of my uterus,

    i have had 3 cycles since getting it put in and i had the worst cramps before and even worse now.

    my period used to last 2-3days of very heavy bleeding, now it lasts for up to a week and a half of light bleeding and then i have another week of brownish disscharge.

    im giving my iud untill the new year and if it hasnt settled down by then i am going to get it taken out and try another type of non-hormonal contraceptive

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